Vital Signs, NeoPath Health

NeoPath Healthcare Heroes: Tammy Harthun

Written by Joe McErlane | Dec 9, 2020 3:00:00 PM

When you think of healthcare professionals, you likely think of doctors and nurses, but here at NeoPath, our Healthcare Heroes go beyond just our clinicians. Our clinics and operations wouldn’t be what they are without our receptionists, medical assistants, and support staff that ensures everything runs smoothly. 

NeoPath Healthcare Heroes is a way for us to recognize ALL of our healthcare professionals and say thank you to the heroes that sometimes go unthanked- the ones who ensure patients get the care and attention they need and deserve. Healthcare and NeoPath wouldn’t be the same without them!


This month’s honoree is Tammy Harthun! Tammy is the Medical Receptionist at our Douglas Health clinic and has worked in healthcare for over 25 years! She started working in healthcare just after high school in a nursing home and then in a hospital setting where she worked as a CNA.


Related Reading: NeoPath’s Healthcare Hero: Michelle Thompson


Tammy's “Why” 

“I just love to be able to help people whenever possible and make them feel comfortable,” Tammy said. After working as a CNA, she moved into being the ward clerk in the hospital and later decided the night shifts were not for her anymore, so she applied and got the medical records job and filled in for the receptionist in the clinic. “I enjoy being the first person that patients see when they enter the clinic because I feel some patients are nervous and a little anxious or in pain, and I like to be able to give them a smile and just visit a couple of moments to get their mind off of how they are feeling before seeing the nurse and provider.” 

“Tammy is always keeping us on track and offering to jump in and help wherever and whenever she can. She offers such a calm and reassuring voice over the phone and is so friendly and professional, greeting patients when they come into Douglas Health! I love the way she jumps up to help patients the moment she sees their car pulling into the parking lot,” said Katie Halsne, RN, Director of Clinical Operations at NeoPath Health. “She has developed trusted relationships with our patients, offering kindness and care with every interaction. Her commitment is unwavering, and we are lucky to work alongside her to provide exceptional care.”


The Best Part of Tammy's Job 

Given what we know about Tammy, it was no surprise that when asked what the best part of her job was, her answer involved the people. She said, “I see and talk to different people every day, and I am the first person they see when they walk in the door, and I make sure to greet them with a smile and strike up a little conversation.” She went on to say that she enjoys getting to making them feel relaxed and more comfortable about being there.


Tammy's Real-Life Hero

Tammy’s real-life hero is her grandmother. She said, “She always told me you can do anything in life if you just set your mind to it and always remember a smile goes a long way.”

Congratulations, Tammy! We can’t thank you enough for all that you do for patients, your team, and healthcare as a whole. Thanks for being our real-life hero!