Vital Signs, NeoPath Health

The Benefits of Partnering with a Vendor to Implement & Manage Your Onsite Clinic

Written by Joe McErlane | Feb 28, 2019 2:20:00 PM

There are endless details that go into implementing an onsite clinic; correctly predicting cost, purchasing the appropriate equipment, ensuring the right amount of space for your services, staffing. It's not over once the clinic is set up; it also takes a lot of industry-specific knowledge to manage a clinic such as understanding medical-specific liability and responsibilities, vendor management, and staff management. If this all sounds like a lot to take on alone, you could consider partnering with an onsite clinic vendor for help. Here are a few benefit of partnering with an onsite clinic vendor.


You may be afraid of not having full control over what happens with your clinic if you utilize a vendor. However, when you partner with a vendor for assistance with your onsite clinic, you'll still have the last say in everything that happens. You'll just also have help.

Want to know what it's like working with NeoPath as your vendor? Download our brochure!

A vendor can call upon their experience and expertise, as well as their networks and partners to help you build, implement, and staff the perfect clinic. They can assist with completing a needs assessment to figure out what it is that your unique workforce needs from a health clinic. They can also aid in planning out all of the details of the specific services and facilities that will be required to provide your employees with the best possible care.

Financial Strategy - Cost & ROI

There are so many decisions that go into implementing an onsite clinic. [Click to read about NeoPath role in implementation].It can be easy to get lost in the details and forget to watch your spending closely. Another benefit to working with an onsite clinic vendor is that a vendor can ensure you don't over or underspend on the items you need for your clinic to run at optimum capacity.

A vendor will not only be able to help you understand what kinds of services and supplies your clinic needs, they'll also have the knowledge to run at an optimal rate. They can sit down with you and go over cost projections using real examples and estimates, and then help you stay on track with the plans you put into place.

One other area that can be difficult for new onsite clinic providers to comprehend is how to get started with measuring ROI. Onsite clinics are a difficult arena to measure ROI as there isn't currently an industry-wide agreed-upon standard. A vendor will help you set targeted goals up front for which progress can be tracked moving forward.

Employee/Patient Privacy

In many states, there are complex laws that regulate the healthcare industry. Some states specifically restrict employers from directly overseeing the healthcare of their employees through corporate practice of medicine (CPOM) laws.

More so, however, think about it from your employees' point of view. Knowing the CEO of their company is also in charge of their personal doctor or nurse, who know some of the most intimate details about them, can make them very uneasy. It's understandably difficult for them to trust that there won't be any slip-ups or issues with their privacy or confidentiality.

Working with a vendor allows you to take advantage of a neutral third-party, keen on your state's laws, to implement your clinic properly and manage it on an ongoing basis. This gives your employees peace of mind and afford your company legal security.

Partnering with NeoPath

NeoPath Health is a family-owned business that is expressly specialized in employer-based clinics. This is what we do vs. many of the large systems where this is one small piece of their service offering. Our small size and close proximity to most of our clients also makes us more nimble than a lot of our competitors. We are able to customize our workflows and change directions more quickly based on our clients' ongoing needs. We genuinely enjoy our client relationships and working to ensure your clinic continues to grow and meet your needs. See what NeoPath is about by downloading our brochure.